Prof. Bosu has served in various management and administrative capacities within CSIR, including being the immediate past Deputy Director of CSIR-FORIG, Head of Ecosystem Services and Climate Change Division, and Head of the Forest Improvement and Productivity Division. He has been principal investigator and project coordinator/leader for several local and international projects.
He served on the Editorial Committee of the Ghana Journal of Forestry for several years and rose to the position of Editor-In-Chief of the Journal. Prof. Bosu has been involved actively in undergraduate and graduate education and training - as part-time lecturer, theses supervisor, and external-examiner for various local universities. He is an Associate Professor at the CSIR Graduate College of Science and Technology (CCST) and an Adjunct Professor at NAU School of Forestry.
On the international scene, Prof. Bosu serves as Deputy Coordinator of the International Union of Forest Research Organization’s (IUFRO) Working Party on Diseases and Pests of Tropical Forests. He is also a founding member, as well as an Executive Committee member, of the Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa (FISNA).
He has consulted and executed projects for a number of local and international organizations including, the Forestry Commission (FC), the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), African Forestry Research Network (AFORNET) , African Forest Forum (AFF), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Foundation for Science (IFS), International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
He has received numerous recognitions and awards for his research work, including Best Scientist of CSIR-FORIG (2005/2006), National Best Agricultural Researcher (2007), and Distinguished Alumnus Northern Arizona University, School of Forestry (2018). In addition, the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) in Yokohama Japan recognized him, for his contribution to the progress of the ITTO Fellowship programme (2014).
His tenure as Director-General of CSIR is for the period, May 2022 to April 2027.