CSIR's Research will focus on the following:
- Oil and Gas (including Cathodic Protection System)
- Renewable Energy including Bio-energy and Bio-gas
- Energy and Oil by-Products (Bitumen)
- Metrology and Industrial Engineering
Our priority research areas under this thematic area are
This thematic area will focus on climate-friendly energy production. Research work will critically analyze energy sources in order to provide information to decision-makers on the most appropriate source or combination of sources for a reliable and sustained supply of power to households and industry.
CSIR energy and petroleum research in Ghana will focus on helping to build capacity and resources of local communities to adapt to the impact of climate change in the energy sector and to benefit from modern climate-friendly technologies. As Ghana's economy continues to grow, demand for energy will increase and emissions will increase. Climate-friendly energy pathway, which is a roadmap of energy use options to ensure low emission of greenhouse gases, is therefore urgently needed. CSIR's research will help develop and promote climate-friendly bio-energy pathway for energy security in Ghana.
This is important because indigenous primary energy sources in Ghana amounts to 7.5 million tonnes of oil equivalent (2007 data from Energy Commission). This is about 11.5 times the annual energy generated by the two national hydroelectric plants at Akosombo and Kpong. It is estimated that about 16 million m3 of wood valued at approximately US $200 million is consumed in various forms as energy per annum. This accounts for more than 75% of all sources of energy consumed in Ghana. This is followed by hydro-electric energy which comprise 5-10% and solar energy which has less than 1%. Of the primary energy sources, only 9% of energy reaching the final consumer was in the form of electricity, while 65% arrived as biomass (firewood and charcoal).
The overall objective of the project is to develop and promote a climate-friendly bio-energy pathway for energy security in Ghana in order to support sustainable development and reduce poverty.
The immediate objectives are to:
- Develop a climate-friendly energy pathway in Ghana
- Develop domestic energy security strategies for Ghana.
- Promote climate-friendly bioenergy options for sustainable rural livelihoods.
- Support management of rural landscape that integrates use of bioenergy (including charcoal) with agroforestry and conservation issues.
- Develop climate-friendly energy models. CSIR will also work towards the creation of climate-friendly pathways
- Establish sustainable energy mix for energy-deficit zones in the country.
- Determine domestic energy security strategies
- Determine local communities’ resilience to the impact of climate variability in relation to energy availability and supply.
- Determine local communities' capacity to adapt to climate-friendly energy options.
- Generate and analyse data on carbon stock and biomass increments suitable for REDD+ projects. This will among others include assessments of total ecosystem carbon balances
Some of the other research topics the CSIR will embark on include: fluid flow dynamics in porous media, porous media characterization, virtual intelligence applications, investment and decision analysis, petroleum geosciences and wind turbines and farms.