Key issues to be addressed by CSIR under this Research Theme
Material Science (Wood, Metals, Integrated Materials)
- Industrial Products (Bio-Resource and Bio-Products Engineering)
Nanotechnology and Nano Products
Our priority research areas under this thematic area are
Research and innovation in the field of materials science and manufacturing by the CSIR, its partners and stakeholders will aim to improve industry competitiveness. The CSIR is in a unique position to add value and impact to the materials and manufacturing industries in Ghana. CSIR Materials Science and Manufacturing's strategy is centered around three main programmes already listed above.
CSIR will also work towards the development of materials which are preferred by Ghanaian industries. The materials will include: Metallic Alloys, integrated wood-plastic materials, Superplastic Materials, Ceramics and Glasses, Composites, Amorphous Materials, Nanomaterials, Biomaterials, Multifunctional Materials, Smart Materials, Engineering Polymers, Functional materials, Superconducting Materials, Structured Materials, Hard/Soft Magnetic Materials and Crosscutting materials Ductility.
Under this thematic area, CSIR will also work in priority areas such as: Casting, Powder Metallurgy, Welding, Sintering, Heat Treatment, Thermo-Chemical Treatment, Machining, Plastic Forming, Quality Assessment, Automation Engineering Processes, Robotics, Mechatronics, Technological Devices and Equipment, Production and Operations Management, Production Planning and Control, Manufacturing Technology Management, Quality Management, Environmental Management, Safety and Health Management, Modeling, analysis and simulation of manufacturing processes. Micro and Nano-fabrication, materials processing and technology, Engineering Optimization, Product Design and Development.